We are happy to invite undergraduate students to take part in the 3rd Bilkent Undergraduate Philosophy Conference on Saturday, April 20, 2019 at Bilkent Library Art Gallery. The purpose of this conference is to give a chance to the undergraduate students to share their arguments with their peers.
Students from all universities and departments are welcome to participate. Women and members of other historically underrepresented groups in philosophy are particularly encouraged to apply.
We will do our best to arrange accommodation for the participants who apply from outside Ankara, if needed.
Presentations will be of two types: 25-minute talks and poster presentations.
Standard poster size is 36×48 inches (about 91 x 122 cm) or A0. Click here for more information about poster sessions.
Each presenter will receive a certificate of participation.
Faculty members will be available during the conference to answer questions about Bilkent Philosophy’s Master’s program.
Submission Guidelines:
1. There is no restriction on subject matter, as long as a philosophical argument is presented.
2. Submissions and all other inquiries should be sent by e-mail to philstudentconf@bilkent.edu.tr
3. Participants should send a long abstract of 800-1000 words to be considered for a talk, or a short abstract of 300-500 words to be considered for the poster session. If you submit a long abstract, please indicate whether you would like your abstract to be considered for the poster session as well, in case it is not accepted for verbal presentation.
4. Please attach one copy of your long or short abstract, with its title on top, but is otherwise anonymous and does not in any way give away the identity of the author.
5. Please include in the body of the e-mail submission your full name, university affiliation, the title of your paper and your contact information (such as your e-mail address).
6. The submitted abstracts, the talks and the posters should be in English.
7. The deadline for submission is March 1, 2019. Accepted submissions will be announced on March 15, 2019.
Bilkent University Department of Philosophy
Bilkent Literature Society | Philosophy Committee
Bilkent Legal Philosophy and Sociology Club