Daniel Wolt


Assistant Professor

Ph.D., Princeton University

Areas of Interest: Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy, Ethics, Modern Philosophy, especially Kant.

Personal Homepage:  https://philpeople.org/profiles/daniel-wolt-1

Email: daniel.wolt@bilkent.edu.tr
Phone: +90-312-290-2471
Office: A-231A


Dan Wolt joined the department in the fall of 2019. He works mainly in ancient Greek and Roman philosophy and German philosophy. He is currently working on a book about the concept of nobility in ancient Greek ethics, and related themes from later periods. Before coming to Bilkent, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of São Paulo, and before that he finished his PhD in philosophy at Princeton. His work has been published in Ancient Philosophy, Apeiron, European Journal of Philosophy, Journal of the History of Philosophy, British Journal of the History of Philosophy, Mnemosyne, and Classical Quarterly.

See Story Behind the Picture: The Death of Socrates, by Dan Wolt


Sample publications

Wolt, D. (forthcoming). Nietzsche’s Greek Pessimism. Inquiry.

Wolt, D. (2023). Philosophy and Politics in Julian’s Letter to Themistius. British Journal of the History of Philosophy, 31(5), 866-886.

Wolt, D. (2022). Phronêsis and Kalokagathia in Eudemian Ethics VIII.3. Journal of the History of Philosophy, 60(1), 1-23.

Wolt, D. (2021). Energeia in the Magna Moralia: A New Case for Late Authorship, Mnemosyne: A Journal of Classical Studies. 76(1), 65-94.

Wolt, D. (2020).  Two Conceptions of Voluntary Action in the Nicomachean Ethics. European Journal of Philosophy. 28(2), 292-305.

Wolt, D. (2020).  The (In)Voluntary in the Timaeus and the Eudemian Ethics. Apeiron. 52(3), 367-384.

Wolt, D. (2019).  The Aim of Eudemian Ethics ii 6-9. Ancient Philosophy39(1), 137-149.

Wolt, D. (2018). Ἀρχη πραξεων ιν Aristotle’s Eudemian Ethics II 6, 1223a9–16. Classical Quarterly, 68(1), 330-332.