"Choosing Bilkent University's MA in Philosophy was a pivotal decision for me. Transitioning from the physics department to philosophy initially felt daunting, but the faculty's unwavering support eased my transition. I had ample contact hours, and my professors were genuinely invested in my success. Despite my focus on the philosophy of physics, the diverse course offerings—from feminist philosophy to ethics—increased my exposure and gave me a holistic introduction to philosophy. The interactive classroom environment fostered engaging discussions, a refreshing change from the didactic approach I was used to in physics. The creative freedom in working with my advisor, Monica Solomon, has taught me what conducting research actually looks like. Thanks to Bilkent's program and the support of the faculty, I have been accepted at several prestigious PhD programs in the United States. Choosing the MA in Philosophy at Bilkent has completely transformed my academic life."

Afra Akram
Master’s candidate. Started her PhD in the History and Philosophy of Science at Pittsburgh University in September 2024
“The Philosophy Department of Bilkent University is one of the best departments in Turkey. Students find a rich and friendly intellectual and friendly intellectual environment. For example, both faculty members and graduate students meet every week to share their ongoing research, emphasizing the collaborative side of philosophy while strengthening the understanding of philosophy. The department also provides financial support for students to travel to academic conferences if their submissions are accepted. This allows students to share their research, meet the best philosophers, and thus have a network for future projects. It is also worth mentioning that esteemed philosophers from all areas of philosophy, and from all over the world, regularly visit Bilkent to present their research. Last but not least, Bilkent University offers different kinds of sports activities for graduate students, from yoga to martial arts, and students have the opportunity to create a well-balanced life.”

Erim Bakkal
Master’s candidate. Fulbright grantee, started his PhD in Philosophy at the University of California at Irvine in September 2024
“Bilkent’s MA Program greatly enhanced my life, from having close friendships to developing professional connections. It definitely prepared me for a qualified academic career path. I learned so much from the faculty members and my classmates during my time at the department. We had engaging conferences and weekly seminars. I discussed my philosophical ideas freely and my argumentative skills got better with the support I had. Being part of the supportive community of the Bilkent philosophy department allowed me to get better at professionally planning my career. Thanks to Bilkent’s exchange program, I had the chance to visit Australian National University’s Philosophy department for a summer and met incredible philosophers there to discuss my ideas. My MA supervisor was incredibly supportive during my dissertation writing and PhD application process. I successfully got into the PhD program in Philosophy at Central European University (Vienna) working on the philosophy of artificial intelligence.”

Dilara Boğa
Master’s student 2017-2019. PhD candidate in the the Department of Philosophy at Central European University.
"It is said that one should choose a university for an undergraduate degree, a department for a postgraduate degree, and a scholar for a PhD. After years of experience in philosophical research from the UK to Australia, I can confidently say that Bilkent University’s Philosophy Department offers a superb MA program which provides teaching that matches the level of strongholds of analytic philosophy like Oxford and Cambridge, a vibrant intellectual atmosphere that allows postgraduate students to grow through regular seminars and events, and an extremely rewarding exchange program with the Australian National University for those who work hard for it. The teaching staff includes some of the best scholars in Turkey that can provide brilliant thesis supervision. During my PhD years, I have always relied on my experiences in the Philosophy MA program at Bilkent, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone wishing to pursue academic research in philosophy."

Çağrı Gürkanlı
Master's student 2017-2019. PhD from the Faculty of Law at Cambridge University
“The PhD program in Philosophy at Bilkent has stimulated my analytical thinking skills and allowed me to improve my research abilities. From my first day at Bilkent, I have been able to engage with the faculty and my fellow students frequently and have received exceptional academic guidance. As an interdisciplinary researcher with a background in literature, I found the coursework year in the PhD program extremely useful for adaptation to the methods of thought in analytical philosophy. Within the scope of my research endeavors, I was encouraged by my advisor to seek out opportunities abroad, including academic conferences and other research programs. The department also invites philosophers from around the world for conferences and workshops, which provides the students with great networking opportunities. Overall, my experience at Bilkent has definitely made me a better philosopher.”

Bengü Demirtaş
Doctoral candidate
"The Philosophy PhD Program at Bilkent University has provided me with an academically challenging environment that is also supportive. Besides being able to get detailed feedback on my projects from my supervisor in weekly one-to-one meetings, I have had the chance to learn from other professors in the department who are experts in their respective fields. Every meeting with my supervisor has helped me improve my arguments and papers, to the extent that I was able to present those works at conferences abroad (an opportunity to meet other philosophers working on the same topics), and even publish in an esteemed international journal. With the guidance I am getting from the department, I am now preparing to apply for exchange programs abroad as well as post-doctoral fellowships.”

Maşuk Şimşek
Doctoral candidate
"Being a PhD student in the Philosophy Department is incredibly rewarding. Our education revolves around critically assessing the material we read and contributing new ideas of our own. Because it's a small department, we’re lucky to be supervised on a more personal basis. Being surrounded by faculty members who take up extra tasks, like arranging reading groups apart from regular classes, is invaluable. Weekly work-in-progress seminars give us the opportunity to hear about our peers' work, as well as enjoy talks by guest speakers from outside Turkey. The faculty values us greatly and encourages us to present in conferences abroad. Additionally, we present wide arrays of philosophical activities appealing to non-majors, such as online journals and conferences for undergraduate and high school students, etc. It's a great pleasure to be included and asked to help out in such projects. I couldn't be happier to be a part of this department."

Zeynep Çelik
Doctoral candidate