4th International Undergraduate Philosophy Conference (event cancelled)

4th International Undergraduate Philosophy Conference will take place at Bilkent University, Ankara, on Saturday-Sunday, April 4-5, 2020.

Registration is NOT required, everyone is welcome to attend.

Keynote speakerHeidi Maibom (Professor of Philosophy, University of Cincinnati)

Title: What is empathic understanding?
Abstract: People often ask us to put ourselves in their shoes? But is this ever possible? Won’t it either be too difficult because we would have to change ourselves into them, or useless because we will just project ourselves onto them? I explain that taking another’s perspective is a matter of occupying ‘the space between’ you and the other person by use of personal resources and a change in your agential centre of gravity. This allows us to achieve a distinctive subjective understanding of the other person in her situation.
Click here for photos from last year’s conference.

Conference Program: (A more detailed program will be announced soon)

April 4, Saturday

  • 09:50 – 10:00 Welcome
  • 10:00 – 12:30 Undergraduate Student Presentations
  • 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch Break
  • 13:30 – 14:30 Keynote Speaker (Prof. Dr. Heidi Maibom, University of Cincinnati)
  • 14:45 – 17:00 Undergraduate Students Poster Session

April 5, Sunday

  • 10:00 – 12:30 Undergraduate Student Presentations
  • 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch Break
  • 13:30 – 13:45 Certificates of Participation
  • 13:45 – 16:00 High School Students Poster Session
Bilkent University Department of Philosophy
Bilkent Philosophical Society
Bilkent Cognitive Science Society

Call for Undergraduate Poster Proposals:

There will be an academic poster session for undergraduate students on Saturday, April 4, afternoon. You can submit your poster proposal (300-500 words) by March 15. The decision of the conference committee about the submissions will be announced to students by March 20.

During the poster session, the academic posters that are prepared by undergraduate students will be hanged on the walls, like a gallery, and attendees will examine the posters. No verbal presentation is required but the students will stand next to their posters and they will have an opportunity to discuss their work with the attendees. There is no restriction on the subject matter, as long as a philosophical argument is presented in the poster (mere information about a philosophical view or a philosopher is not sufficient; an evaluation, defence or objection is also required).

Each poster presenter will receive an official certificate of participation.

You can see the photos from last year’s Bilkent undergraduate philosophy conference (including the poster session) here.

Submission Guidelines:
1. There is no restriction on the subject matter, as long as a philosophical argument is presented.
2. Not only philosophy students but also students from other departments are welcome.
3. Group work is encouraged. More than one student can prepare a poster.
4. Submissions and all other inquiries should be sent by e-mail to philstudentconf@bilkent.edu.tr
5. Participants should send a short proposal of 300-500 words to be considered for the poster session.
6. Please include in the body of the e-mail submission your full name, university and department affiliation, the title of your poster and your contact information (such as your e-mail address).
7. The posters, as well as the proposals, will be in English.
8. Standard poster size is 36×48 inches (about 91 x 122 cm) or A0. If your proposal is accepted, please bring your poster to the conference venue (FF building) at the lunch break, or, preferably, earlier.
9. The deadline for proposal submission is March 15, 2020.

The conference will be in English, except for the High School Poster Session on April 5, afternoon. We accept poster proposals from high school students in English and in Turkish. For more details about the high school poster session, click here.


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